專案期間購買優惠套票即可成為春吶2011 VIP,再附贈150元INDIEVOX音樂下載額度!凡於3/15前在春吶官網和INDIEVOX購票,還可享有樂團網路投票活動投票權!購買單日票者也可享有樂團網路投票活動投票權!
樂團票選活動的活動內容細節將於近日公佈,除了春吶團隊將參考您的投票來安排節目外,票選第一名的樂團將有機會出國表演喔~~ 指定期間前買票的朋友們都可享有投票權,也請不要忘了投下你神聖的一票,為你支持的樂團加油打氣!!
Save big on advanced ticket purchases and support your favorite bands now!
Buy your tickets online now and choose who you want to see perform at Spring Scream. Early all-event ticket buyers are Spring Scream VIP's! That means when you buy your tickets through Indievox and choose your favorite bands on the Spring Scream and Indievox site we will listen to what you have to say. You will get to preview the applying bands and rank your favorites. Your votes really will determine who plays at Spring Scream and when. There will some prizes for the top voted bands so do support your favorite bands and vote! The top band will also be invited to tour Toronto and Vancouver Canada for the annual TaiwanFest event. This year we are also focusing on song lyrics and there will some cash prizes for songs with the best lyrics... as voted on by you the VIP ticket holders!
Remember the earlier you purchase your ticket, the more you save. Prices are scaled and will go up in price about every 2 weeks.