You Are Here: Home» 2012.龍龍年 , Ticket.門票 » 門票開售~Ticket on sale now!


一月:nt$2100 元
二月:nt$2200 元
三月:nt$2300 元
四月:nt$2400 元
* 請注意我們沒有單日票喔!
本活動預售票券相關處理問題請洽售票通路﹣iNDIEVOX服務電話:TEL 02-2234-2030 (12:00-18:00)


我們推薦你透過iNDIEVOX線上購票系統購買的這個VIP優惠套票,主要是因為購票後你就可以有票選今年你想要在春吶看到哪些樂團表演的資格。當你在瀏覽這些報名樂團的同時,你也可以在出發前先大概瞭解到今年將會有什麼新鮮有趣的,在 iNDIEVOX上試聽時(記得要先登入)就可以點選“喜歡”或“加入最愛“來票選,讓我們知道你想要在春吶看到誰。
只有有透過iNDIEVOX線上購票的VIP投票才會被計入審選參考值喔!所以別忘了要去看看這些報名樂團(報名樂團的列表在此 ) ,記得票選給所有你想要在今年春吶看到的樂團為他們打氣支持!更多的VIP優惠套票好康將會陸續公佈。
注意事項(1):如果你是第一次用 iNDIEVOX,請先開立一個新的帳號(中英文皆可),填寫你喜歡的音樂類別並開始試聽上面的這些音樂作品,然後別忘了儘快去取票。
注意事項(2):如果你已經有 iNDIEVOX帳號的話,就要記得更新你帳號裡己經有的那些”加入最愛“或”喜歡“的名單,同時也別忘了快去買票,以便享有你更多的VIP優惠套票好康。透過iNDIEVOX線上購票系統,你可以買一張或多張票券。

這是另一個方便的購票選擇,你隨時可以到全台的7-11超商的ibon機器上直接點選”2013 春天吶喊“活動並購票,但是請特別注意:這個購票方式將無法享有我們上面所說的的VIP投票資格,也無法享有之後任何的VIP優惠套票好康喔!

Tickets are expected to be on sale from January 10th.  The prices are as follows:
nt$ 2100元  during January.
nt$ 22oo元  during February.
nt$ 2300元  during March.
nt$2400元  during April.

VIP Tickets Sold Only Through The iNDIEVOX Website
Those who purchase advanced tickets from iNDIEVOX tickets are VIP ticket holders.  VIP ticket holders not only choose the festival lineup at this year’s Spring Scream, but will also have a chance at receiving some bonus giveaways.  As a VIP ticket holder, browse the iNDIEVOX site list of bands who applied to play at this year’s event and click “like” or “favorite” on your favorite music to let us know who you want to see.  Discover and share artists that are new to the scene and support their pilgrimage south.  Only VIP votes count, and voting ends when final band selection is complete.
NOTE: If this is your FIRST TIME TO iNDIEVOX, sign up for a free account, (in English and Chinese,) start listening to to great music, fill out your profile with info about your music tastes, and then grab your Spring Scream ticket asap.
NOTE: If you ALREADY HAVE AN iNDIEVOX account, listen to your old favorite bands and check out some new bands, update your “like” “favorites” list, then buy your VIP ticket online as soon as possible for savings and bonus giveaways.
With your iNDIEVOX account you can buy one ticket or a group of tickets directly through the website.
1. Pay immediately with a credit card, or a paypal account.
2. Or PRINT out your order receipt and pay cash within 24 hours at 7-11.  (Yes, your online order can be paid for with cash at 7-11!) Your order must be paid for within 24 hours or it will automatically be removed from the system.

Tickets Sold At Every 7-11 ibon Ticket Kiosk Across Taiwan
Regular, non-VIP tickets can also be purchased with cash at the ibon machine at all 7-11′s.  This is a very convenient way to get your ticket! (Note: it is not the VIP method listed above, your band selection vote will not be counted and you won’t get any bonus giveaways.)


4月3日。活動地點:最南露營區 (17:00 開放入場)
你 將會看到藝術家們和工程人員這時候差不多在做他們的最後佈置及裝置工作,所以這一天將是只有在最南露營區,盛大派對逐漸揭開序幕的第一天!這一天就是活動 開始前的“暖身派對”,算是現場佈置最後一個收尾的日子,也像是個試演開幕派對,現場會有1到2個舞台有正式演出,也許還有DJ舞台。影展台可能會開始播 電影,還有Bandwidth舞台,一切就緒,即將正式拉開“春天吶喊”活動序幕。

6 ~ 8個舞台正式演出,

活 動的最後一天,也是大部份設施都被玩得差不多的時候。但是很多人都說這也是最好玩的一天,因為氣氛更輕鬆慵懶,人潮沒有前幾天那麼擁擠,可能還有二個舞台 和DJ台可以玩耍,而有些團可以有第二次上台的機會,甚至有樂手和樂團們即興在舞台上演出較勁地玩起來,而這些都仍依依不捨地持續到最後一天的午夜。

April 3 (Southpoint Campground only)
Artists and engineers have just finished putting final touches on things so this is the day (April 3) everything in the campground gets up and running.
It’s the Pre-Party… The last day of the “build.” The soft opening. there will be one or 2 band stages up, and a DJ stage up. The film fest will begin, and so will the Bandwidth (skype) stage. And of course, you know there will be plenty of last minute work and setting up going on around the site, so it may as well be in a festive setting.
April 4,5,6 (Erluanbi Lighthouse park AND the Southpoint Campground)
Spring Scream Snake 6 Stages, 2 DJ stages, all the stall and activities from afternoon until 1am every day
April 7 (Southpoint Campground only)Things are winding down… but many say this is the best party. Very relaxed, 2 Stages and a DJ stage. Bands might be getting a second set, impromptu jam sessions with groups of musicians. Goes till midnight.

【注意事項 Annotations】
◎優惠多日套票Multi-day pass ticket:限2013/4/3~ 2013/4/7之多日通行票口換證使用的套票,每張限本人使用乙次。
◎「春天吶喊 Spring Scream」為”蘿蔔瑞克音樂有限公司”之註冊商標,仿冒必究。