You Are Here: Home» 2012.龍龍年 » 2012春天吶喊攤位報名表 Stall Registration Form

攤位, 攤販以及食物區是所有美好的音樂祭活動中最重要的環節之一. 春天吶喊的這個社群聚落裡, 集結的是最棒的吃喝玩樂及酷炫玩意兒的體驗交流與, 也是人們最基本需要的。如果你有一些好東西(或點子)想要作分享, 銷售或展示的話, 報名春天吶喊活動攤位就是一個絕佳的機會. 並非每個人都有玩團,但我們都可以創造一個有趣的部份, 手作的, 創新的, 有趣的, 藝術的, 音樂的, 遊戲的, 社群的, 狂野奔放的.....還有任何我們沒想到的部份嗎?快來報名告訴我們吧?
所以, 如果你想要參與成為我們攤位聚落同歡的一份子, 趕快填寫以下的報名表吧...我們期待與你一同展開今年另一個美好的攤位體驗與回憶! 還有, 去年讓攤位附加服務的流動攤販效果很好, 所以也請你考慮向我們申請安排這樣的服務, 讓看表演的來客們也可以享受到你攤位無處不在的服務~~ (這樣你或你的夥伴也有機會可以看到現場的精采表演喔! )

Stalls, vendors and a food court are an important part of any good festival.  Communities form and people gather around food, drink, and cool stuff.  It's human nature! If you have something you want to sell, share, show or perform... a stall at the event is a great way to participate. We encourage participation.  Not everyone is in a band, but we all have creative and interesting side.  Do you have hand made, arty, musical, wild, game, social gathering, or anything else that needs a set location?
If you want a stall, fill out the form below to get this party started.  We look forward to another great stall and vendor experience this year. The roaming vendors were a success last year, so consider a portable setup that you can carry around the event to sell to fans watching the shows! (That way you get a chance to see some shows too!)  
There are 5 categories of stall this year:
Food & Beverage
Art and Social
(NOTE: There are some new rules this year... so be sure to read the read the rules clearly)